Tag Archive for: SMEs financing

SME Financing | Introducing the New Code of Conduct for Dutch SMEs and Alternative Finance Platforms
Financing Conference: Heads or Tails for SME Financing?

Netherlands | First Diplomas of Certified Financing Advisor for SMEs Awarded by State Secretary Mona Keijzer
On June 10th 2021, State Secretary Mona Keijzer awarded the first…

Coronavirus Webinar | Supporting SMEs and Self-employed Entrepreneurs
Coronavirus' impacts on economy
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis…

Altfinator Project: Facilitating Access to Alternative Financing
Alternative financing (AF) for businesses across Europe has increased…

Our Voice | Global SMEs Finance Forum 2019
This year, the 5th Global SMEs Finance Forum is held in Amsterdam,…

European Centre for Alternative Finance (ECAF)
The European Centre for Alternative Finance (ECAF) is a research…

Launch of Foundation for SMEs Financing
Today, the Foundation for SMEs Financing (Dutch: Stichting MKB…