CROWDTHERMAL Conference | Introducing Our Services for Community-Funded Geothermal Projects
CROWDTHERMAL - An Innovation Project Funded by European Commission

HUB-IN | Financing Model Catalogue for Heritage-Led Regeneration of Historic Urban Areas
What was Once Impossible Became Possible
For a year it had seemed…

HUB-IN | Business, Financing & Governance Models for Heritage-Led Regeneration
About HUB-IN : Mission and Vision
The project ‘Hubs of Innovation…

HUB-IN Project | Working Paper: European Historic Areas – State of Play
What is HUB-IN?
The HUB-IN 2020 project (Hub of Innovation and…

Current State of Crowdfunding in Europe 2021
The current state of Crowdfunding in Europe
What is the current…

Research | Distributing European Funds Through Crowdfunding Platforms
We are proud to announce the publication of our research…

DivAirCity | The Power of Diversity & Inclusion for Climate Neutral Cities
The latest Covid-19 pandemic has stressed the relationship between…

ENTRANCE | Mobilising Financial Resources to Accelerate the Scale-up of Sustainable Transport Solutions
The ENTRANCE project aims to offer a legitimate European matchmaking…

CrowdThermal Webinar | Targeting Accessibility and Co-ownership for Geothermal Projects
CrowdThermal project aims to empower the European public to directly…

Launch of ENTRANCE | Boosting Sustainable Transport Solutions in Europe
Launch of ENTRANCE: Accelerating the market access…

Hub-IN 2020: Historical Urban Areas’ Restoration
Hub-IN 2020 project (Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for…

CROWDTHERMAL Project | Concept, Objective and Consortium
The CrowdThermal Project aims to empower the European…