European Crowdfunding Network | Board Member
Ronald Kleverlaan is one of the most experienced and well connected…

Marketplace Lending 2016 | Amsterdam
The rise of marketplace lending in Europe
Raised capital…

Launch of CrowdfundingHub
Launch CrowdfundingHub
30 March – 1 April, 2016

Current State of Crowdfunding in Europe 2016
The alternative finance industry is a young industry and…

Crowdfunding Cross Borders: Assess Liability Risks
CrowdfundingHub teamed up with FG Laywers to launch a pan-European…

Launch of Research: Current State of Crowdfunding in Europe
CrowdfundingHub started a research together with crowdfunding…

Save The Date For Launch CrowdfundingHub 30 March – 1 April
CrowdfundingHub will launch officially on March 31st during…

Summerschool Alternative Finance: Challenging The Banks
Entitled "Challenging The Banks" the Amsterdam Summerschool takes…

Research on the Certification for Crowdfunding Professionals
CrowdfundingHub, as a knowledge centre, is dedicated to develop…

European Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report
CrowdfundingHub was one of the main contributors to the first…

European AltFin Benchmarking Research 2014
As reported last week, the European Alternative Finance Benchmarking…