CrowdThermal Webinar | Targeting Accessibility and Co-ownership for Geothermal Projects
CrowdThermal project aims to empower the European public to directly…

Italy | Crowdfunding Report 2020
Every year, Starteed realizes the Report on Crowdfunding…

Employee Ownership | What Opportunities Will It Bring ?
Employee ownership is the process whereby employees are more…

DIFME Thematic Event | Alternative Finance for Entrepreneurs
What is DIFME?
DIFME stands for Digital Internationalisation…

Launch of ENTRANCE | Boosting Sustainable Transport Solutions in Europe
Launch of ENTRANCE: Accelerating the market access…

Coronavirus Webinar | Supporting SMEs and Self-employed Entrepreneurs
Coronavirus' impacts on economy
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis…

France | Barometer of Crowdfunding 2019 FPF-MAZARS
Financement Participatif France (FPF, English: Participative…

Hub-IN 2020: Historical Urban Areas’ Restoration
Hub-IN 2020 project (Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for…

Altfinator | MOOC on Alternative Finance
With the objective of providing online resources and self-educational…

CROWDTHERMAL Project | Concept, Objective and Consortium
The CrowdThermal Project aims to empower the European…

Altfinator Project: Facilitating Access to Alternative Financing
Alternative financing (AF) for businesses across Europe has increased…

Altfinator | Alternative Finance Investor Manual
Understand the potential and the risks of investing in Alternative…